Saturday, March 10, 2012

JCI Balti konverentsi treenerite foorum!

3. märtsil toimus Panevezyses JCI Balti Konverents.

Sel korral toimus esimest korda ka treenerite foorum, millest kõige tähtsamad esimesed sammud:
* Balti koolitajate ühtne andmebaasi loomine ja saatmine kogu Euroopasse
* Balti ühtne koolituste kalender

Kokkuvõte kõigest, mis foorumil räägiti on selline:

Greetings from Aude Simon, 2012 Training Commissioner for Europe
Main points:
·         * The new evaluation system – after every official training all participants and trainers. Trainers should also receive the feedback from this feedback, this is only way to learn and grow.
·         * JCI official trainings – we have too few trainers for all official courses and to bring them from other countries is often too expensive. Solution can be to ask to refund travel expenses from JCI European Development Council.
·         * JCI Official courses in Congresses – how the trainers are selected. First will be selected from the trainers who already do trainings in Congress. When you want to apply to be trainer in JCI official trainings – email to Aude.
·         * Trainer’s forum in European Congress will be done in new way to develop trainers.
·         Aude suggest having mentors for young trainers, in order to support the trainers system. In France one senior trainer has 5 mentees and system works well.
·         * In September there will be European Trainers Weekend. All National Presidents are being asked to name 1-2 trainers from each country. European Development Council can help financially to cover travel costs.
·         New JCI official training – JCI Impact will be delivered in European Conference.

Experience from different countries:
·         * Important is right now to introduce to all members and LOM´s what are JCI training possibilities and how to become a trainer in JCI.
·         * In January there was JCI Presenter in Riga and in April will be JCI Admin.
·         * Big challenge is to ensure that someone will be responsible for JCI Latvia training in next year. JCI Latvia has 60 members and few trainers right now. So main thing is to increase membership.

·         *For first time JCI Lithuania has a yearly plan of JCI official trainings all listed in calendar in JCI Lithuania website.
·         * Trainers club in every two weeks – possibility to test new trainers and trainings, held in different citys. Senior trainers give feedback for newcomers.
·         * LOM academy – 4 times a year, different subject are covered like leadership, project management, etc.
·         * Trainers database for all trainers in Baltic’s – deadline in 10.03.2012 – All database will be gathered by Uģis Latvia. In database the following is obligatory: name, picture, level, experience as a trainer, education, which official trainings can deliver and how many times have done that, what are own training topics –name, objective, what participants will learn.
·         * Baltic JCI trainer’s weekend in August will be held in Lithuania.
·         * Zanas will organize possibility for Marju and Uģis to add trainings in JCI Lithuania calendar.

·         * Last year we established new tradition - everyone can apply to conduct training in Annual Convention, 45 minutes and after can receive feedback in public so everyone can learn from it.
·         * JCI Debating club has been established – first we had training about the rules, public speaking and how to debate. After that was a debate.
·         * JCI Public speaking club has been established in Tartu – invites interesting speakers to share experience (example – standup comedian, how to add jokes, deal with fear etc)
·         * JCI trainers club – we visit  training companies, hear some famous trainer to share experience and after talk our training institute news and learn something new – example trainers profile.
·         * 4 times JCI Presenter and 2 times JCI Trainer in 2012. JCI Achieve and JCI Admin.
·         * Main goal is to help young trainers to grow to have the new trainers, in a way we have a gap between senior trainers and new trainers to come.

Training Club
Purposed for collaboration of the trainers, experience sharing platform, networking and training ideas exchange. (once per month)
Training Week-ends
Purposed for intensive development of Chamber members on one side and trainers' training experience development on the another. (Tree times per year) The idea is to combine more experienced and "fresh" trainers to work together.
Leadership Academy
Purposed for intensive development of Chamber members. (Once or twice per year) The difference from training week end is that mostly experienced trainers are involved.
BIG (Business Ideas Generations)
Educational session for young people to educate and motivate them to join JCI. JCI trainers share with external participants knowledge about JCI and provide them some basic business education in training.
NET (Congress of Young Entrepreneurs)
It is business project of JCI ST Petersburg. It consists of two section: one is a platform for developed business men, and another is start up section which repeats BIG Ideas
Coming ideas
DEBATING!!! And Public Speaking

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